Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Simple joys - hearing the familiar dulcet tones of Henry 'Blowers' Blofeld on Test Match Special (TMS) commentating on the 3rd ODI Eng v WI at Birmingham (www.bbc.co.uk/tms). What a voice, what enthusiasm. You have to admire the commentators - artistry in words. I bet he'd be great live, shame I missed his one man show...

Splashing along, singing a song

It's rather strange the creatures you meet while exercising. I was rather anxious at having been coerced into digging out the old trunks and launching myself into the local pool on Friday (fortunately no shouts of 'thar she blows...dig out the Harpoons'...
Whilst trying to avoid kicking everyone within reach, I rather thought that I had inadvertently swallowed too much water or that the industrial quantities of chlorine in the water were doing funny things to my ears. But no, there was a little old lady doing lengths singing to herself. I still rather thought that I was imagining things, but later found out thanks to the lovely Fiona (http://gerbilsandturtles.wordpress.com), that said fat lady singing continued in the ladies showers. Force of habit I suppose, or someone who really and truly was enjoying themself so much, that the joy of singing just flowed. It was a beautiful summer sunny morning, it was just right going for a swim so why not. You have to congratulate someone who either doesn't care what people think of them or is so caught up in their own world, that the chlorine or other people didn't penetrate.